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Why Employee Cybersecurity Training Matters

WebCE Staff


December 21, 2023

Why Employee Cybersecurity Training Matters

The 2001 remake of Ocean’s Eleven presents an elaborate ploy to walk out of three of the most secure Casinos in Las Vegas with millions in cash.

One of the casinos in the film, the MGM Grand Las Vegas, along with every other property operated by MGM Resorts, was recently the victim of a massive cyberattack. What was the elaborate ploy this time around? A 10-minute phone call to the help desk.

If 2023 has taught us anything, it’s that the game has changed. An organization’s cybersecurity is only as strong as its employee training.

The Human Element of Cybersecurity

A hacker's bag of tricks has expanded beyond the digital landscape in response to increased regulations and security compliance measures, like title 31 training for casinos. MGM’s breach highlights the importance of training every employee to fend off infiltration efforts like social engineering, phishing, and ransomware.

In fact, Verizon’s 2022 Data Breaches Investigations Report found that 82% of data breaches involved a human element, whether from phishing, misuse, stolen credentials, or a simple mistake.

This tells us every employee must be properly trained on all the cybersecurity threats they could encounter throughout their day. If they use email or the internet, they’re a target. Ensuring employees know how to fend off attempted cyberattacks is vital to securing any network.

Proactive Strategies Against Modern Cybersecurity Threats

The best way to make sure your organization never experiences a debilitating cyberattack is to adopt preventative measures now. Given these recent developments, well-trained employees are just as crucial as digital security in guarding against a variety of cyber threats.

Many cybersecurity threats within an organization can originate from seemingly harmless places. Downloading a file. Clicking a link. Out-of-date software.

Consistent employee training can foster a culture of vigilance against cyber threats and help establish best practices within your organization. Updating software and creating strong passwords can go a long way to establishing a digital defense grid.

Why Employee Cybersecurity Awareness Training is Important

An organization that emphasizes the importance of cybersecurity can cultivate a vigilant culture ready to detect and deflect potential threats. Placing a consistent emphasis on cybersecurity can help keep every employee alert to anything unusual as they go about their day.

Hackers aim to slide under the radar. They don’t want to be detected. Employees trained in the latest cybersecurity threats are the best first defense a company has to fend off these new approaches. However hackers attempt to infiltrate, every employee plays an important role in an organization’s initial line of defense.

Ensuring every employee is properly trained and prepared to identify potential threats is a major part of protecting your organization from cyber threats. Implementing a cybersecurity training program is one of the best ways to keep employees prepared.

Building a Cybersecurity Training Program

An effective employee cybersecurity training program keeps everyone properly trained and updated to the latest developments and techniques hackers use—and how to combat them. Over time, consistent training leads to a knowledgeable staff vigilant in warding off potential threats.

Armed with insights into a range of hacking methods, every employee will understand the pivotal role they play in the organization’s overall cybersecurity efforts. And, most importantly, your organization's cybersecurity will be stronger as a result.

Implementing employee cybersecurity awareness training can foster a culture of awareness and resiliency, preparing everyone in your organization to quickly identify and respond to whatever threats they encounter.  

If you need help creating your own cybersecurity training program, our award-winning Support Services team is ready to help at 877-488-9308.

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