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Spotlight: Cybersecurity Awareness Training

WebCE Staff


October 16, 2024

Spotlight: Cybersecurity Awareness Training

With Cybersecurity Awareness Month in full swing, it’s time to see how prepared you are to defend against common cyber risks.  


Put your cybersecurity awareness to the test with this True or False question:  

How many people in your organization would answer this question correctly? 


Strong cybersecurity means ensuring everyone can spot risks and take the right precautions. In fact, the human firewall, or the collective cybersecurity behavior of everyone in an organization, is the heart of strong cybersecurity.  


But a human firewall is only strong if everyone is properly trained in cybersecurity best practices. With new threats like AI-driven attacks emerging daily, it’s essential to keep your team ahead of cybercriminals.  


Our online Cybersecurity Awareness training course is packed with actionable tips and security protocols to help you stay ahead of cybercriminals and protect your data. Industry-specific cybersecurity courses are also available on our course catalog.  


At WebCE, we are passionate about delivering exceptional professional development solutions. With world-class customer support and education to serve multiple professions, we're here to help professionals reach their career goals.

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