Professional Development for Real Estate Professionals
WebCE Staff
October 5, 2021

Successful real estate professionals understand how important it is to invest in their career.
The real estate world is constantly changing, and you will always have to compete with new competitors. That’s why professional development is essential for real estate licensees who are ready to advance their careers, improve their marketability, and outmaneuver the competition.
Why is Professional Development Important for Real Estate Agents?
Many of your competitors aren’t investing meaningfully in their real estate careers. Did you know that one-third of professionals say they do nothing to upgrade or improve their current skill sets? Many of these people may be good salespeople, but they probably won’t excel in their professional futures.
Professional development is important for real estate agents because it will help you succeed in your career. By taking advantage of professional development — whether provided by your firm or through continuing education and other opportunities — then you’ve already got a leg up on most of your competitors. Because you’re researching how to improve your real estate career and taking ownership of your future, you are much more likely to meet your career goals and succeed in the real estate arena.
Professional Development Examples for Real Estate Agents
REALTORS® and other real estate professionals have many types of professional development opportunities available to them. We’ve listed some common professional development examples below, but what type of professional development you choose may depend on your personal career goals.
Examples of real estate professional development opportunities include:
Attend a real estate conference. The real estate industry has many reputable conferences and forums. At these conferences, you can network with peers and learn from experts and other successful real estate professionals. If you can’t attend an out-of-town conference, there are still many online conferences and webinars available to you.
Complete your CE. Every state’s continuing education requirements are different, but they are all designed to help further your career. Proactive real estate professionals know that taking advantage of their CE courses is an opportunity to hone their real estate knowledge and get up-to-date on any industry changes.
Shadow a colleague. If you have the opportunity, it can be useful to shadow your mentor, your broker, or another agent. Shadowing another real estate professional can be a valuable learning experience as well as a chance to connect with a colleague.
Earn a designation. Receiving a professional designation or certification is a great way to improve your real estate career. Earning new credentials is a great way to add to your knowledge and skills. Combined with a new professional designation, you will have new ways to market yourself and stand out from the competition.
Read a book. It might sound simple, but there are many, many books out there that can help you in the real estate field. If you are unsure of what to read, ask your mentor, broker, or other members of your team for suggestions.
This list consists of just a few professional development suggestions. There are many, many other examples of REALTOR® professional development opportunities out there. Which method is right for you will depend on your personality, what you like to do, what your goals are, and finally, how serious you are about your career.
Best Real Estate Professional Development Courses
One of the best ways to develop professionally is through WebCE’s online real estate continuing education and online training courses. Each of WebCE’s course is written by industry experts and designed to help you stand out in your field.
How Real Estate Professionals Can Beat the Competition
If you really want to set yourself apart from the competition, you should take additional classes beyond your state’s required CE credits. This is a great way to go above and beyond and show how dedicated you are to your career and the real estate industry.
WebCE has online courses designed to improve your real estate career.
Our online real estate professional development courses include:
If you are a REALTOR® or other real estate professional ready to invest in your career, WebCE is here to help.
In addition to the courses listed above, we offer a comprehensive catalog of online real estate courses. Each of WebCE’s real estate courses are designed by industry experts to improve your knowledge and enhance your career.
To order courses, you can visit our Real Estate CE catalog.