NAR Ethics Training: Adhering to a Higher Standard
Ann Heinz
August 19, 2021

REALTORS® can complete their ethics training online by ordering the online course Adhering to a Higher Standard: The Code of Ethics. Licensees must confirm with their local REALTOR® association if it will accept this course for ethics training.
The real estate industry encourages the highest level of ethics in business practice to promote and preserve the right to own, use, exchange, and transfer real property. For over 100 years, the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice has set the stage for ethical excellence in real estate by outlining the ethical duties that all REALTORS® agree to follow as part of their membership.
The NAR Code of Ethics is a living document that undergoes regular revisions to keep it updated and relevant as the real estate industry evolves. It is imperative that real estate professionals understand ethical standards, know why they are important, and abide by them. That’s why all REALTORS® are required to regularly complete an ethics training course.
WebCE’s NAR ethics training course Adhering to a Higher Standard: The Code of Ethics is currently approved in 40 states
How often are REALTOR® ethics courses required?
The National Association of REALTORS® requires members to take an approved two-and-a-half-hour ethics training course every three years.
The current deadline for NAR members to take their ethics course is December 31, 2021. After this year, the next cycle will be from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2024. The NAR also requires all new members to take an ethics orientation course.
The local REALTOR® association is responsible for tracking the ethics requirement. REALTORS® who complete their ethics training during any three-year cycle are not required to complete additional ethics training, in respect to this requirement as a requirement of membership in any other REALTOR® Board or Association.
Structure of the NAR Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
The Code of Ethics is divided into three primary sections:
Articles 1–9: Duties to Clients and Customers
Articles 10–14: Duties to the Public
Articles 15–16: Duties to REALTORS®
The Articles and Standards of Practice (SOP) of the Code are arranged in order of importance and impact to the public. Article 1’s pledge of protecting and promoting the interests of the client is the most important obligation that REALTORS® have. The Standards of Practice supporting Article 1 and all subsequent Articles are also arranged in order of importance.
Enforcement of the NAR Ethics Code
Members of the public, as well as other REALTORS®, may file a complaint against a REALTOR® based on anyone, or combination, of the 17 Articles of the Code. In most cases, complaints are handled by the local association, but occasionally a complaint may be referred to the state REALTOR® association. Suggested procedures are laid out in the NAR Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual.
The Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual is reviewed and published annually by the National Association of REALTORS®. The Manual provides recommended policies and procedures for use with both ethics complaints and arbitration hearings. The Manual also provides case interpretations for sample cases of violations of the Code along with the resulting disciplinary action.
Complete Your Online NAR Ethics Training
WebCE’s NAR ethics training course Adhering to a Higher Standard: The Code of Ethics is currently approved in the following states: Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Oregon, and Washington state, with more states expected to approve the course soon. Licensees must confirm with their local REALTOR® association if it will accept this course for ethics training.
Real estate professionals can complete the required NAR ethics training with our online course, Adhering to a Higher Standard: The Code of Ethics. This course was designed by industry experts to provide real estate licensees with a better understanding of the Articles of the Code of Ethics and the enforcement of the Code to ensure all REALTORS® provide a high level of ethical service.
By completing their ethics training online with WebCE, REALTORS® can complete their ethics training on their own schedule and at their own pace. To order NAR ethics training and other real estate training courses from WebCE, you can use the buttons below or visit the real estate CE catalog.